Thursday, May 27, 2010

One fine day..summer in suburbia Mumbai

Amidst swirly red twines

I sip I wait and watch

the pale haze around the corners

sip in the bitter-sweet taste of our conversation

in small sentences, by two.

"Bitter sweet" ? of all that we have experienced

What would we want to hold on to

Are we mellow? Happier? Cautious?

Are we counting our steps?

Or are we holding our breath till the seconds run out,

You contemplate your sobriety

You negate my affirmations

I wait for the wine swirls to fade out

And I'll hope for the reds to fade to white

(To be continued......)


And so we move
In spaces apart
Joined by our memories
The only thing we'll share for a while

It's a strange numbness
Of mind and body
And yet I am no zombie to this
Instead this makes me 'comfortably numb'

And look!
Corniness galore, sweetness but not sticky
Of conversations that don't seem to end
That's how my time with you was spent

This is good
This is true
Offered in a sentence by you
Offer me some more wine, won't you....