Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The reds and blues of the evening still glow in my head
While you weren't noticing, I watched your smile
I watched it emerge and spread through your lips
A little like the feeling I held back that night

It could have been nice to ignore the people
To pour ourselves one more beer and melt
But it's the chaos and the crowd that strangely drew me closer
I'd like to think it drew you closer to me

What becomes easy after a point is to drive the thoughts away
We've both been through the road where our hearts bled
We got up and walked on, perhaps not moved on yet
Somewhere down that road, I wish we'd walk a little together

For the anxiety and anticipation is perhaps just a weary process for us now
We'd rather not pretend like the others who give in
That there's a point of speaking our thoughts out aloud
We'll do it in our little spaces for verse,

There's always the craving for a beginning, one that's meaningful
Beginnings that aren't similiar to our pasts, sparked by passion or interest or attraction
Just the joy of knowing that we perhaps could have it for ourselves, we could be happy about the blanks
That exist in our conversation, our letters, our meetings

The next will be a long wait
And perhaps by then my mind would have tamed itself quieter
We'll talk about places, people and photos
While my mind will wonder about the picture there could be

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