Saturday, September 4, 2010


It's 7 am here at Syracuse and the air is crisp and chilly. All I can hear is the whizzzz of cars passing by on the road below and the one or two birds chirping. Today will be remembered for one of my 'firsts'. New York City. Carmine, Anna, Marie and I are driving down to the Big Apple and will spend our weekend doing our own things but getting together to celebrate Carmine's birthday tonight.

I have no maps or guide books on me. I am prepared to get lost in the city...perhaps that will help me gain some perspective to how I feel now - lost.

And oh I didn't manage to arrange a camera. My first trip to NYC, one that I always fantasised and I go with no preparation no high expectations.

Sometimes it's good to surf along life this way. Makes you less numb to the rapid changes you are thrown into

More updates from NYC to follow

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