Friday, April 22, 2011

In Limbo

I am two weeks away from graduating. Two thesis films yet to be completed, numerous assignments with overlapping deadlines, 3 finals within two days of each other and my dream internship at Focus narrowly missed because of my being engrossed with a multitude of things that weren't in a priority list.

A year back on this day, I was sauntering across the garden back at home in India  absolutely ignorant of the whirlwind of an experience this year would turn out to be. And here I am, almost at the threshold of a possible life in another country, a career and a future and yet that visible catalyst to triggering that off seeming so elusive.

Reality checks of having to return to Mumbai and starting all over again and the anxiety of a loan ridden future has me turn to 'Parks and Recreation' for comfort. Leslie Knope give me hope :) It's 6 AM and I am up, writing, watching pretending that worrying is unnecessary...

 R reminded me that the worse that could happen would be to return to a country that offers me countless options when it comes to work...... Perhaps he is right. Perhaps not. If only I could go home for a brief while, be with family and friends and meet those I need to before I start my life here.

For now it's one day and one step at a time ..... I lack the luxury of wanting, missing or needing...

1 comment:

sleepingmaster said...

The luxury of wanting, or true!

Your writing is fantastic. Keep at it.