Sunday, April 24, 2011

Of a film that made me want to return to Mumbai...

Dear N,

Trust this finds you well. I could not make it to Kiran Rao's screening of Dhobi Ghaat at Cornell. However, I finally found time  to watch it today and I am stunned to say the least. The narrative was so strong and the potrayal of Mumbai's ethos so realistic.... The editing was seamless and almost every frame felt like a beautifully composed still picture that had a story to tell of its own.

I think I was overwhelmed because the film resonates one of my strongest beliefs about human relationships..that they all overlap in concentric circles or sometimes in ripples. More often than not, we have little control over who we meet and what transpires thereafter. And if pondered upon carefully, almost all our encounters with people who come and go is anything but sheer co-incidence.

Seeing Shai stand alone at junction in South Mumbai - in between confusion and epihany -  bathed in the light of the street lamps and the first light of daybreak, reminded me of some of my most difficult days in that city. 

Thank you so much for putting together such a beautiful film. I miss Mumbai sorely and this movie gave me yet another reason to want to return.

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